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Perhaps You've Heard of The Beatles

"You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.

I hope someday you’ll join us, and the world will live as one." JOHN LENNON

Indian Temple Handstand


The Beatles went to India to study meditation. And they wrote the White Album.

Do you imagine following in their footsteps? Even just to write a postcard? Thoughts of journeying to the Motherland may be intriguing, alluring, mysterious, mystical, intimidating, overwhelming… But if you’re a yogi, or a fan of the Fab Four, you’ve likely dreamt of practicing in the epicenter of sacred wisdom.

What India? Epic adventure and transformation – on and off the mat. Yoga Teacher Training is for rockstars of all sorts: Yogis seeking to deepen their own practice, and for those ready to launch or elevate teaching careers.

Why India? Straight to the source. Soak in the ambiance of the masters – the energy is tangible. Immerse in your evolution. Disconnect to connect. Away from your usual routine, surrounded by like-hearted souls, the teachings integrate into every aspect of life. In the living, beating heart of yoga philosophy, ayurveda, chai, mango lassis, paneer tikka masala, holy cows, glittering saris, sweet sitars and singing bowls, fire ceremonies and temples and markets and much more – letting go is a little easier.

How India? Surrender to the unknown. By sincerely trusting in the enigmatic extraordinary, we position ourselves to be awed, inspired, surprised, overjoyed, elevated… Make the choice. Book the flight. We’ll take care of the rest.

Who India? For my eighteenth Yoga Teacher Training, I’ve united with a dream team including: Rich Husseiny, my soulmate and anatomy wizard, breath work whisperer, flow state scientist, meditation aficionado. And Jenn Russell, long time soul sister, unparalleled creative sequencer, gravity defying handstander, superstar yoga teacher, fire dancing goddess. Stella, two years and infinite lifetimes of experience, expert one-legged downward dogger and animal sound maker. We encourage each yogi to find their own practice by discovering and nurturing their higher truths, deeper desires, and secret gifts. We believe that it's deep rooted passion that sparks the joy that will maintain a strong self-practice, and the ability and authenticity to share it with others. Our focus is on cultivating the individual voice, and providing the practical knowledge and resources to make it effective.

Huh India? 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training 8 March - 4 April 2020 Goa, India

"A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality." JOHN LENNON

Let’s write your White Album.

Inquire – limited spaces left.

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